I don't want to imagine a life without songs
Max: Ayu Tranceのリクエスト多いけどどうする? There are a lot of requests for Ayu Trance, but how will we proceed?
Ayu: 創ろう♪創ろう♪ Let's start it! Let's start it!
Max: では、久々に得意ジャンル制作させて頂きます! Well, it's been a long time since we worked on this genre!
Ayu: いぇ~(^O^)/(^O^)/(^O^)/♪ Yea!
Max: 大丈夫。いつも通りアカペラで俺たちが作るから It's okay, we'l jsut use the a capella's (that are already made)
Ayu: 楽しみ~っっっ(^O^) It will be fun! / That's cool!
Fan: Are you release a new Ayu trance 4? Is it true? (*O*)
Max: 今さっき、決まった! We have JUST decided on that!
Ayu: 創ろう♪創ろう♪ Let's start it! Let's start it!
Max: では、久々に得意ジャンル制作させて頂きます! Well, it's been a long time since we worked on this genre!
Ayu: いぇ~(^O^)/(^O^)/(^O^)/♪ Yea!
Max: 大丈夫。いつも通りアカペラで俺たちが作るから It's okay, we'l jsut use the a capella's (that are already made)
Ayu: 楽しみ~っっっ(^O^) It will be fun! / That's cool!
Fan: Are you release a new Ayu trance 4? Is it true? (*O*)
Max: 今さっき、決まった! We have JUST decided on that!